Comedy Night Fundraiser

Comedy Night Fundraiser

Take a break from the campaign trail to relax and have a good laugh in the company of fellow area Dems. The show will feature top local comedians, raffles, cash bar, and lite snacks. Proceeds will benefit local candidates and Get Out the Vote activities. Doors open at 7PM show starts at 8PM.

Tickets $25

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The Growing Threat: Militias & Extremists in NH

With Zandra Rice Hawkins, founding Executive Director of Granite State Progress.

The growing threat of domestic terrorism came into glaring reality during the attack on the US Capitol Building. Armed militias, white supremacists, and other extremist groups from across the nation played a significant role in carrying out the violence. In New Hampshire, there has been a marked increase in white nationalism, violent rhetoric, and extremist activity in the past year, only further fueling the groups that were already active. And far too often, Republican leaders have not only failed to call these groups out — they have instead worked to curry their favor in order to advance their own pet political projects. Granite State Progress has been tracking extremist groups and individuals in New Hampshire for most of the last decade, and is on the (zoom) road with a new presentation “The Growing Threat: Militias & Extremists in New Hampshire.” Already, hundreds of Granite Staters have participated in the discussion, gaining insight and expertise on these movements, the politicians and systems enabling them, and what we must do to stop them from gaining a stronger foothold in New Hampshire.

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Courage Over Censorship: A March & Meditation on the Consequences of HB 544


From the organizers, Rights & Democracy NH:

While the House and Senate are meeting to negotiate a budget compromise, we want them to hear clearly from the people of New Hampshire, both the original language of HB 544 and its amended version have no place in our budget, in our laws, or in our hearts.

This is an event to show our opposition to the entire premise of HB 544 in all of its permutations. This is a flawed premise and a flawed process, perpetuated by a flawed Legislature.

We will gather at 4:00 pm on the corner of N. Main St. and Park St. Please wear a mask both for public safety and for the visuals of our silent march around the state Capitol. We'll be passing out red or white duct tape X's for participants to put on their masks as we march to the Capitol steps.

Participants are encouraged to bring a book that changed their perspective on systemic racism/inequity that might be considered "divisive" under the new law and treat the event as a giant book swap. Attendees will be welcomed to place their book on the capitol steps and at the end of the event, anyone who brings a book can pick a new one!

We will then have speakers and songs as well as actions people can take that day to voice their opposition to both this legislation and the actions of this legislature.

Feel free to bring appropriate homemade signs, books to swap, banners, or artwork. As always, for all of our health and safety please observe CDC guidelines and maintain social distance as often as possible.

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The Growing Threat: Militias & Extremists in New Hampshire


The growing threat of domestic terrorism came into glaring reality during the attack on the US Capitol Building. Armed militias, white supremacists, and other extremist groups from across the nation played a significant role in carrying out the violence. In New Hampshire, there has been a marked increase in white nationalism, violent rhetoric, and extremist activity in the past year, only further fueling the groups that were already active. And far too often, Republican leaders have not only failed to call these groups out — they have instead worked to curry their favor in order to advance their own pet political projects. Granite State Progress has been tracking extremist groups and individuals in New Hampshire for most of the last decade, and is on the (zoom) road with a new presentation “The Growing Threat: Militias & Extremists in New Hampshire.” Already, hundreds of Granite Staters have participated in the discussion, gaining insight and expertise on these movements, the politicians and systems enabling them, and what we must do to stop them from gaining a stronger foothold in New Hampshire. As evidenced again just this past week as a QAnon aligned group rallied in Concord and white nationalists tagged a predominantly Latino neighborhood in Nashua with racist graffiti -- and then sent racist threats to State Rep. Manny Espitia for condemning it -- New Hampshire is not innocent and has a responsibility to address these ongoing and growing threats to a strong, safe, healthy, and equitable New Hampshire.

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Examining the State Budget: The Senate's Proposal


Presenter: Phil Sletten, Senior Policy Analyst, NHFPI

Join New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute for a webinar on the State Senate's budget proposal, passed on Senate floor vote on June 4th. The budget is now going back to the House for concurrence or non-concurrence. A non-concurrence vote would result in a Committee of Conference comprised of members from the House and the Senate, typically the final step before a single version of the State Budget returns to both chambers for a vote. 

The presentation will also review the recent guidance provided by the federal government with regard to permissible uses of flexible American Rescue Plan Act funds flowing to the State of New Hampshire. 

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Federal Aid and the Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis

Join the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute (NHFPI) for a presentation, “Federal Aid and the Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis,” on Wednesday, May 19, from 1 PM to 2:30 PM. There will be an overview of the American Rescue Plan Act, and how that may impact the state budget and the economic recovery, followed by a panel discussion. More information and registration here.

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Author Discussion with Eitan Hersh

Author Eitan Hersh will be discussing his book 'Politics is for Power'. Dr Hersh has some great ideas around local organizing and multiplying your vote.

You can learn a little bit more about his work here:

This is truly a don't miss event! This is a virtual event and the zoom link will be shared here on the day of the event. Please join us!

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Organize NH: The Coalition of Southern NH Democrats Meet-up!

Join the Southern New Hampshire 6 town coalition for this virtual house party! Are you interested in getting involved with the New Hampshire Democratic party and want to learn more? Stop by via Zoom for some virtual fun and games and a chance to hear all about this year's coordinated campaign from Southern NH Field Organizers Rachel Angle and Adrianna Usmayo Macedonio.

RSVP to Attend!

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